Written by Jonathan Wojcik with the aid of With the Will, Digimon Wiki and Wikimon



  Another canine line, huh? Well, okay, it's actually been a while since they've introduced a new one. I'm still of the opinion that every digimon doesn't need an actual matching baby stage, however. It was perfectly fine when almost all of them came from the same handful of nondescript blobs. It even fits better with the whole concept of Digimon, doesn't it? They start out as something broader and more basic, then they keep specializing. Sorry, Fusamon, but I just find you extraneous.



Baby II stages are allowed to get more specific, but I liked when they were also a bit stranger. Bowmon is okay, but also doesn't feel necessary.



So now we have a child level wolf-like Digimon, and it's as straightforward as that could possibly be - a shaggy blue and white wolf pup with big Digimon claws - but as obvious and unremarkable as that kind of is, it's kind of unbelievable that it didn't already exist. It feels like a Digimon that already came out 20 years ago, but I must be thinking of Dorumon, the dinosaur-shaped wolf that originated the X-antibody, while the most famous "wolf" based child Digimon, Gabumon, is just a lovable reptile wearing a wolf pelt. So, this is technically a less interesting Dorumon or Gabumon, but people who like straight up wolfy dogs deserve a Digimon too. It's just something really basic that shouldn't have taken this long.

Besides; it's NOT just a wolf themed Digimon! It's a virus type demon beast, it's said to be ruthlessly violent for a child stage Digimon, and its digicore contains the data for the WARG, of all things. Its description refers to the Warg as something from "real world mythology," which isn't true of course; a Warg is a big nasty hairy wolf beast Tolkien invented for orcs to ride around on. I really like there being a Warg digimon either way!



Unleashing more of its inner Warg, Loogamon gains an R in its name and becomes this vicious looking wolfy thing with long, spiny tufts of feather-like fur, huge arm-like clawed forelimbs and a steel muzzle over its glowing, burning jaws. Pretty wicked honestly.




Soloogarmon is its more "stable" Perfect form, still a virus type, but a disciplined one that has mastered the "dark magic" of the Warg's data, and can control its fire breath so precisely that it can form the digital flames into solid objects. Neat, but the design is kinda dorky compared to Loogarmon. It's a humanoid wolf with bits of armor and clothing, like a repeat of Weregarurumon, but it's not quite as cool, because it has at least slightly more human proportions, a more humanoid stance and a sort of "Disney dog" face, about as menacing as the average fursuit. Now that I see it full artwork though, I appreciate that it has kind of a "biker" motif, with a tail and shoulders like big chunky engine parts, not to mention the flame decals!



NOW we're talking! When Loogarmon allows its Warg data to completely take over, its body is actually burned away and replaced by its own flames, becoming a hulking, terrifying warg-man made of billowing fire with a ferocious looking razor-toothed metal face, as if its muzzle actually became its new skull and jaws, which you may not is the hardest a muzzle could ever possibly fail its purpose.  This is one of the most badass looking Digimon I've ever seen.



Eh. I'm used to being underwhelmed by Ultimates. I guess this is a Fenrir Digimon, a dazzling luminous giant wolf in silver armor, technically pretty cool and well designed, but after Loogarmon and Helloogarmon, this feels too derivative of various other Digimon lines. A Warg themed virus line was their chance to do a monstrous, beastly, hairy canine Ultimate instead of their third or fourth gleaming armor-plated one.