Written by Jonathan Wojcik with the aid of With the Will, Digimon Wiki and Wikimon


The rest of our reviews will be more or less in order of building up to my personal favorites, which is not to say Fumamon here is bad or anything; a ninja assassin that's also a humanoid dinosaur is pretty entertaining, it's just that the design is basically your generic stealth-armored anime ninja warrior but with dino feet and a blade-tipped tail. It can evolve from the Gammamon line, but wasn't necessarily created for it; in its debut digivice, Fumamon can evolve from a Sealsdramon that evolves, not from the usual Commandramon, but from a Koemon, which still makes as much sense as anything else Koemon can do.



So this one is another Perfect stage, but I include it with Fumamon because the two are obviously rival counterparts, with Zanmetsumon being an evil samurai to Fumamon's antihero ninja. Besides being a virus type, it has a freakish anatomy with a four-limbed humanoid torso sprouting from the top of an otherwise eyeless, hairy four-legged beast with a giant, gnashing set of teeth! Digimon really loves its crotch-mouth centaur demons, doesn't it? I'm surprised there's no explicit Nuckelavee Digimon at this point.

The head on Zanmetsumon's humanoid portion is kind of dog-like, though without any ears you can just as easily call it shark-like or lizard-like. Besides wielding a huge, cursed looking sword in every hand, the chompy beast part of the thing has a fifth sword on the end of its tail, which is great.

You could also argue this Digimon as a more logical Perfect stage for Grand Dracmon!