>Approach the Window

The boxy window being already appears to be staring at you, but you'd better make sure it's safe...

...Willis? Can that, like, window person get me into trouble?


Oh, Windifred's not really smart for a grownup. She's SUPER easy to fib to!


Willis! That's not nice! ...But, thanks. Here goes nothing...

You remember this being, or one just like it, in the surgical ward lobby, but never had the chance to talk with it. Beyond the glass is only pitch blackness, and its filthy plexiglass slowly crackles as its eye-holes somehow "blink"...

Um, hi there?


Welcome! We certainly don't have many visitors these layers!

...What with them being aggressively prohibited under the quarantine and subject to instantaneous termination and all that business, right?!


Oh! Haha! Right! Well, see...I...that is...


So I guess you couldn't POSSIBLY be anything other than the very same emergency assistance the Doc keeps on filing for! Sure took them layers enough! Bureaucrabs, right?!


HHHHAAAHHH, EXACTLY! Exactly that! Bureau...crabs...! Don't I know it!


That's a relief! I'm getting sick to death of patients who can't seem to stay put in their own wards...but I HATE wasting perfectly good food! Right!?!



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