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I don't want to keep you if you're tired, Gynnie, but I still have a few concerns...how will I know what to do next? Can you tell me anything else about Fleagood, or the uh, "problem cases?" Do I have to be careful of anything dangerous around here?

Gynnie really does seem worn out. Her metal jaws stretch wide in what seems like a yawn, her eyeball blinking heavily as she collects herself...

Mmm...don't worry, dear. The computersssh are down, we don't know why, but I'll have an analog tassshk lisst manifeshting in your offische, and Eggletsh sshould arrive by tunnel. Fleagood...well...jusht shtick to your job for now, and let him shtick to hiss. I'm ssure you can figure out the ressht, but you can shwing by my office if you get ssstuck!

Assh for dangers...well...sssho long assh you don't ssshtray too far from Hoshpital dutiesh, you sshouldn't run into much worsshe than the odd tissue-bandit or flapglabber. I'm sshure you can handle yourssself well enough.


Awful lot of those little, um, white things around here. Mugboos, or something? Isn't that a bad sign?


You know how it ish with parameter deterioration, jusht be glad they're not dolphinss! Haha!


Heh, right. Well, Gynnie, I think you could use a break. You're right. I can figure stuff out on my own.

...I always have so far.


I don't want to...but...

...I'll be no good to anyone thisssh overworked...

There'sh jusht one thing I almossht forgot...




...If you find anyone, or anything, trying to tamper with the vault...or worsshe, trying to get to patient zero, and they aren't mysshelf or phage or one of the other doctorsssh...

...Shtop them by any meanssh neccesshary. Even immediate termination. We CANNOT risshk any greater breach than we've already ssshuffered.


...R-right...of course...


Thank you, Frannie.

I already feel like I can really trusssht you.

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