>Play Along, Fish for Info


Soooo, wouldn't you know it, the uh, "bureaucrabs" hardly told me anything. I might have to be brought up to speed on this...this whole situation!


Yeah, that's pretty typical. The last few weren't properly briefed either.


....Last few?


Oh, you know, it's been a little..."quirky" around here. Lots of things. If you ask me, I think staff might be going missing from the zone's fundamental continuity. It just seems kind of unlikely we would have left ourselves so grossly underprepared, right?


Oh, of course. Seems...pretty "quirky" in here.


Yeah, so, my job's just to welcome you and tell you where to put yourself, really, but I can tell you a thing or two. For one, you're not the only emergency temp we've had, but you're the only one intact these layers. The temp janitorial squad lasted the longest, but they got slurped all inside-upside-outside by a dome fiddler. Ironic, right?!


Uh...you bet!


Basically, we've been hit with some critically unstable patients, real end-of-all-things kinda hubbub, including what might be our patient zero, from what I'm hearing, but it's all pretty hush-hush, right?

If you're meant to know much more, Gynnie will fill you in when she assigns you your jobs.


Oh, right! Sure! Can, uh, you tell me anything about Gynnie I should know? What about the rest of the staff?

Does, um, that doctor Phage come around a lot?


Ugh, does he. Talks my smears off, that guy. Does as good a job as you can expect, given the sheer workload he's dealing with at any given sublayer, but he's in and out a little more than seems necessary...and, I dunno, seems like the current situation might be taking a bit of a toll on his senses.

As for Gynnie, well, same story to be honest, peas in a pod those two. She means well and she's been keeping things together the best she can - both the ward and her grasp on her reality - but you might find her a tad eccentric to work with, and whatever you do...don't look directly into the back.


...The back?


Yeah, you know. Her eye's in the front, but the back...well...not everything can handle perception that undiluted without conceptual fracturation.

If she asks you to, you're PROBABLY okay. She USUALLY, PROBABLY knows what she's doing.

So, the rest of the doctors...let's see...Tori's currently busy with our "zero's" branchinations, Rory's off in his ward trying to make sense out of its communicative behavior, if that's even what it's doing anymore, and Fleagood's...around.


Who's "around?"


Uhhh...the pets guy. I...don't really know if he's supposed to be around, but he is. Like I said, "quirky" lately. I'd just stay out of his way, let him do his thing. Gynnie can handle him if he gets weird on you.



So, er, where do I "put myself" exactly?


OH! Ha! Right! My actual job!

Right next door! Your left, my right! You should find everything you need in the temp office, and you can buzz Gynnie that you've arrived whenever you're ready.


I see. Thank you, Windifred.

You wonder why the being hasn't acknowledged the "slob" accompanying you in any way...but it's probably best not to call attention to it. You notice Willis sort of hiding himself, and it's probably best not to call attention to that either until you're in private.

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