"Night" seems to fall, which you're assured is merely the natural cycle of luminescent fungi. You don't bother to ask why you can hear crickets chirping. You continue to chat, though you feel a slight sense of unease, a particularly weird sort of presence.


...Do you have any guesses what could be going on? What kind of thing can cause "interference" like that?


I'm afraid I can't even begin to speculate. The perception range is quite large.


Infinity-large. Awwwful lotta weirdo stuff out there. Warp ticklers, half-shamblers, furlers, folders, rebirthinizers, cones, pseudocones, gel funnels, billywiggles, belhops, the gull, gramps, rare pepes...everything that can perceive something also perceives something that perceives something, exponentation-like.


Everyone keeps talking about perception. I still don't get it.


Things exist 'cause you perceive 'em. You exist 'cause things perceive you, nuthin to it!


That doesn't make sense. What happens to something if there's nothing perceiving it?


Ain't possible. On some layer or another, even yer marshmallow is thinkin' thoughts.




I think you've confused her enough, Maggie. We should all try to relax, and set off for the whatsit after a good rest.

Celia...you've been awfully quiet, are you feeling well?


...Not really a "campfire banter" mold.

Actually, I need to go, er, void some cytoplasm.


Hey, leave me that weird book they were talkin' about, maybe it's important!

Celia sits up abruptly, and slinks off behind the nearest outcropping of bone, leaving the strange book you had her carry.